Added more stuff to my website

July 1, 2024 (5mo ago)

Hello everyone!!! Today I wanted to showcase some fixes/added stuff to my website, even though I dont use this place really I like here...

Anyways, let me list the fixs and features I added to my website;

Number 1

Fixed the boids background effect

--> Yep, I finally fixed this really cool effect on the background on my website, now it loads faster thanks to the lazy loading.

Number 2

Added my status on discord to my website

--> Thats kinda unusual but I found this repository named Lanyard where it exposes your Discord presence to a restful API.

Number 3

Re-made my redirect manager

--> I hope it runs faster now tbh I dont even know how I made it lmao

Number 4

Re-made my links page

--> I mean It's not the best but atleast it looks better than this garbage:


Number 5

Removed RSS feed

--> Yeah this was kinda devastating for me as coding RSS feed took me awhile but I've come to the conclusion that no one used my RSS feed, neither no one cared about it anyways.

Thanks for Reading! 💖